One thing I have created which I think others may find useful is the scooter board cart. At first I made it so my kids would have a “vehicle” to push each other around in. But later it was shown to be useful for other reasons, such as transporting groceries from the front door to the kitchen or transporting other large items throughout the house.

The steps to make a scooter board cart are pretty simple. Also, the materials required are only a scooter board, a bin and some bolts, so the materials shouldn’t cost more than $25-$30.
To make the scooter board cart first buy a scooter board. I found the one below on Amazon for $18, see the following link: hand2mind Plastic Scooter Board with Safety Handles for Physical Education Class or Home Use, Blue

Next, purchase a bin to place on top of the scooter board. Then drill two holes in the bin, one to go through the middle of the scooter board and on to go through one of the handles. Try to make sure that the bin is centered on the scooter board so it won’t tip over. Then tighten the bolts and you should be done. The whole project can be done in 15-30 minutes.
Here is a video I placed on YouTube which shows the process of making the scooter board cart from start to finish.