This project was pretty simple, I made a raised bed for our front yard. The raised bed had an angle at the top which made it a little more complicated. It turned out pretty well, this is how it looks:

The construction was pretty simple, basically just making a box. Two parts were a little complicated:
- Attaching the boards to each other
- Creating the angle section
To attach the boards to each other I put a 2 x 4 behind the ends of the two boards and held them in place with bolts. A similar process was used for the corner pieces but that required using a 1 x 1 piece.
Making the angle section was more complicated. Cutting the board at the correct angle was difficult, as I only had a mitre saw and circular saw. I ended up cutting the angles by hand, but it did not end up straight. Later I figured out I could have angled the circular saw, which would have made it easier to make the cuts. I used gap filler pieces to make the angle part flush. Afterwards I bought a jigsaw which would have made cutting the angles much easier.
Overall I am pretty happy with how it turned out. You can see more details in the following video: