For this project I built two wooden swords for my kids to play with. They turned out pretty well, see picture below.

The steps to build the sword were pretty simple.
- First I cut a square pole to the length I wanted (which in this case was 110 centimeters).
- Then I cut out two pieces to serve as the bell guard. I connected these pieces using a L bracket, with one screw going into the sword and the other going into the bell guard.
- Next I added an additional piece which was screwed into both bell guard pieces to keep them in place.
- Next I sanded the blade part and the handle of the sword to avoid splinters.
- Lastly I bought tennis racket grip and used that to cover the handle so that the handle was more comfortable and also to avoid splinters.
And that’s it, with these steps your wooden sword will be complete.
Then following video was more details on how to make the wooden sword.