I am a married father of two with a keen interest in home improvement, DIY and life hacks.
When I bought our first house, things would break and I wouldn’t know what to do. So I would call a professional and they would fix the problem in 5 mins and charge me $100+. I remember once I had to pay an electrician $120 for simply hitting the reset button on an outlet. This is what led me to learn more about woodworking, electrical work and plumbing, so I could fix minor things on my own. Soon I realized I actually liked and got excited about fixing and building things, which led to become a DIYer.
So what is a life hack? According to Merriam Webster, a life hack is a usually simple and clever tip or technique for accomplishing some familiar task more easily and efficiently
With regards to life hacks, two things I love are saving money and efficiency and life hacks involve both. There are so many things in your house which you can use outside of their advertised function to save time and money.
If you have any questions or comments you can contact me at lifehackanddiycontact@gmail.com