Types of wood: Dummies has a good summary description of the different types of wood you might consider in woodworking or DIY project, which can be found here: https://www.dummies.com/crafts/types-of-wood-for-woodworking/
Treasure for tomorrow: This is my friend’s blog, where she provides great tips on how to save money and build wealth. She also provides financial coaching services.
Steel Lunch and Snack Boxes: As a side business I sell two level stainless-steel snack boxes. These are perfect for storing food for yourself and your children. The snack box is eco-friendly, as it is made of stainless steel and will withstand hundreds of uses. It is also dishwasher safe. You can purchase it on Amazon here: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07Q8FD2KC?ref=myi_title_dp