In this post I go over some of the many uses of binder clips. I love these versatile items, second only to velcro strips (see more about velcro strips here).
Use 1: Securing trash bags to the trash can. If you have ever had your trash bag collapse in the trash can, you know how annoying this can be. Use binder clips to secure your trash bag to the trash can and this will never happen again.

Use 2: Closing an opened food bag (like a Chip Clip). Once you open a bag of potato chips or something similar you might just fold it, or use a rubber band, or maybe even use something like a chip clip. However, using a binder clip to keep the bag closed works great! And binder clips are much cheaper than a Chip Clip.

Use 3: Hanging up artwork (or other light things). Often I will want to hang up something my kids made in school, but don’t want to tack or nail it up as this will damage the artwork. So instead I use binder clips to hang up the artwork. This has the advantage of not damaging the artwork and it can still be hung up on a nail.

Use 4: Organize cords: Binder clips can be used to organize cords (as shown in the following picture). However, I think using a velcro strip is a better option.

Here is a video talking more about the beauty of binder clips.