This year I discovered something new, LED Christmas lights. I previously always used the traditional lights, like the ones in this photo.

It got increasingly frustrating using these lights, as the strands often stopped working. I tried looking for the broken bulbs and replacing them but it was really annoying having to do this every year. Every year I also ending up buying a few new strands to lights to replace the strands which no longer worked.
I wanted to try something new and come upon LED Christmas lights. These are the ones I bought, you can find them on Amazon here:

These lights are great for a few reasons.
- The lights will work even if some of the bulbs break. The frustrating task of finding the malfunctioning bulb to make the lights work is eliminated.
- They are a single strand of 150 feet, so one strand covers the whole house.
- The lights only cost $25.
I would highly recommend these lights, they are cheaper than standard lights and also work better.
Watch the following video for more details!